We are. OLAR is a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Contact us for our EIN.
We do consider veterans to be our target community, but many people, like law enforcement officers, suffer from the same mental and emotional difficulties as we do, so we try to help them as well.
Absolutely. Over the years, we have built a great network of paintball and airsoft industry professionals and we take pride in being able to assist other charitable organizations in performing their own missions by facilitating or coordinating combat sports events that they may wish to take part in.
Due to the fast-paced, teamwork-oriented environment that veterans and law enforcement officers (LEOs) are accustomed to operating in, we have found that when removed from that environment (often very suddenly) can cause feelings of uselessness, loneliness, and depression. By playing combat sports with a team, sometimes just for one day, those individuals often find relief from those feelings. We hope you do too.
We play both. Collectively, we call them "combat sports" and each has unique benefits and difficulties and require some different gear, but both are a whole lotta fun.
We do not. We play all over the region, but we tend to plat at Command Decisions, Black Ops, and other NC fields the most due primarily to proximity. Most home teams have obligations to their home field, which sometimes causes scheduling difficulties, which we try to avoid.
Due to the nature of our mission and capabilities, we are most effective as a team at big games and scenarios that have actual factions and mission sets. We do however encourage our individual players to play simple open / walk-on days to keep their skills sharp.